Photo of Alexandre Mitchell

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Born in Oxford (UK) in 1974 and raised in Brussels, Belgium. After a B.A. in Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology and a Masters degree in classical archaeology at Strasbourg in France, obtained a D.Phil in Classical Archaeology from Oxford University.  

Greek Vase Painting and the Origins of Visual Humour (2009, 2012) was published by Cambridge University Press, New York. Current research focuses on Classical Greek and Roman reception in editorial cartoons since the turn of the 20th century published in British and American newspapers (and in a large choice of European newspapers). Alex is also a fiction writer.

Alex is the Director of Expressum, a Brussels-based translation agency (formerly in London) specialising in French and English translations of conference papers and scientific articles written in classical and medieval studies. He is also member of various international associations and an Honorary Associated Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology, Oxford | Fribourg | ERC Locus Ludi
